Top 10 Short Mom Quotes in Spanish 2024 - Happy Mother's Day Quotes and Images

Top 10 Short Mom Quotes in Spanish 2024

 Happy Mother's Day 2024 - Short Mom Quotes in Spanish

Mother's Day - It is a special day which is dedicated to celebrating mothers all around the world. It is a time to show appreciation for all the love, sacrifices, and hard work that mothers put into raising their children. On this day, people express their gratitude and love for their mothers through gifts, cards, flowers, and acts of kindness. Let her know how much she means to you on this meaningful occasion. Happy Mother's Day to all the the wonderful moms! out there! Show your love and appreciation with short mom quotes in Spanish to make her day extra special. Let your mom know how much she means to you with heartfelt words that capture the love and gratitude you feel for her. 



"When your children are teenagers, it's important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you."

 "Cuando tus hijos son adolescentes, es importante tener un perro para que alguien en la casa esté feliz de verte".

“The fastest land animal is a toddler with something in his mouth.”

"El animal terrestre más rápido es un niño pequeño con algo en la boca".

"Silence is golden. Unless you have kids. Then silence is just suspicious."

"El silencio es oro. A menos que tengas hijos. Entonces el silencio es simplemente sospechoso".

"It's not easy being a mom. If it were easy, father's would do it."

"No es fácil ser mamá. Si fuera fácil, el padre lo haría".

“You never realize how weird you are until you have a kid that acts just like you.”

"Nunca te das cuenta de lo raro que eres hasta que tienes un hijo que actúa igual que tú".

"It just occurred to me that the majority of my diet is made up of food that my kid didn't finish…"

"Se me acaba de ocurrir que la mayor parte de mi dieta se compone de alimentos que mi hijo no terminó..."

“Bedtime is the leading cause of dehydration in children.”

"La hora de acostarse es la principal causa de deshidratación en los niños".

"You know your life has changed when... going to the grocery store by yourself is a vacation."

"Sabes que tu vida ha cambiado cuando... ir solo al supermercado son vacaciones".

"My housekeeping style is best described as, 'There appears to have been a struggle.'"

"Mi estilo de limpieza se describe mejor como: 'Parece que hubo una lucha'".

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